December 11, 2014

SCG CRAFTS Padded Hangers

It took hours upon hours to make the hangers below. 
They were completely hand-sewn, 
except for parts of the trim which were glued on.

It is difficult to see is that the Ocean Blue set 
is hand-painted with seashells and seahorses.

Copyright  Rene Isaiah / Silk City Girl Crafts, LLC

When the customer showed the hangers to a coworker, 
the person thought them fancy and wanted to know if I could do them plain. 
Hee hee . . . . I don't do plain very well. I LUV frilly feminine things. 
But I can create a more conservative set.

 Last updated:  03/16/2015


  1. Luv these hangers! Really like the various colors!

  2. Hangers are so beautiful - I love feminine too! I would like to inquire more about them.

  3. These hangers are so pretty. I loved them so much that I purchased a set. Very well made and personally handcrafted. Renee has such a gift. Keep sewing Renee!

  4. Oh! Thank you for your order and for having faith in me. I truly appreciate it . . .


Please let me know what you think!